It's Friday! But even better its my birthday! A lot of people don't make a big deal about their birthday the older they get but I keep making a bigger deal out of it every year. I'm entering the last year of my 20's. If you're in your 30's or whatever don't hate, I'll be there soon enough. I spent my 20's having babies, 4 babies. That means 3 whole years of my 20's were spent pregnant. You're not jealous anymore are you? Pregnant, nursing and fat is how I spent the majority of them. At 29 I am the skinniest I have been in my 20's and I'm going to crush this last year. I lost a lot of weight in the last year and being so close to my goal and close to hitting the big 30 has me more motivated than ever. Bring it 29.
So I bet you're wondering how I'm going to spend my fabulous day, right? Well first I'm dropping the kids off at school and getting my birthday coffee from Starbucks. I'm getting the biggest and most caloric thing I can with a shot of espresso. Then I'm going to Walgreen's to pick up some prescriptions for the littles. Brace yourself for these awesome things: laundry, dishes, mopping the kitchen (its only been 2 days but for real its gross), calling the dentist to set up my x-ray, calling and setting up my hair appt (mama's getting her hair did) and taking a nap with the little ones. I know, pure awesomeness. We're having grilled cheese for dinner outside because its my birthday and that's what and where I want to eat. Remember I'm going to hard core mop the floor so I'll be damned if it gets some crazy amount of dinner on it, just give me a few hours of clean okay kids? I'm making Dale take a walk with me 29 times for my present starting with tonight. I want him to live forever (or just The Notebook style and as long as I do) and secretly I know he will become addicted to it especially if he does it 29 times. I have walking withdrawals from not going yesterday. We are going to sing happy birthday (for the umpteenth time) and eat ice cream and maybe a spoon of Nutella and have extra snuggles and extra stories because its my birthday and I get to spend it with the people I hold most dear in the world.
Perhaps the best present I got this year was from my Mom's surgeon who called her with her pathology report saying they did indeed get all of her cancer. She doesn't have to have anymore surgeries (the next one would have been really, really risky) and no chemo. She is a survivor for the second time in my life. Best present ever because I know it could have just as easily been the hardest birthday I've ever had full of uncertainty and sadness. Best present ever. I'm going to rock 29.
Ellie in her new glasses, I love her.
My favorite swing buddies. |
My favorite Thunder player, number 10.
This guy who happens to be the love of my life. Who told me to hurry up and finish blogging because I only had a little bit of young left in me :) and I should spend it with him! |
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