
Monday, August 23, 2010

Last days of Summer

Its almost Fall, my most favorite time of year.  The leaves turn brilliant colors and the weather is beautiful.  But alas, Fall is most definitely weeks away.  So I've decided to not be a negative nancy and enjoy these last days of a hot, sticky summer. 

There are a few things I still want to accomplish:
  • Have a water balloon fight with the kids (again).  I won't be ridiculously pregnant this time and can really attack!
  • Go swimming at the Grandparents house with the kiddos (and jump in the pool because it is so much fun).
  • Sit on the back porch with my husband and a six pack of beer.  Just us and the baby monitor and the mossquito repellant and not late at night because we might fall asleep and for more than 10 minutes.  I'm sure I'm forgetting something.
  • Bathing suits + water + dirt + outside dishes + my girlies = mudpie tea party
That's it.  I can't wait to check these things off.  Besides how cute is this little wet face?

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