
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Love is a Battlefield and I've got the Stretch Marks to Prove it

Well he's only 2 1/2 months old but Jack has outgrown his 0-3 month clothes.  Last night when putting his pajamas on I realized that I needed to clean out his closet (so to speak) and that there wasn't a baby to pass these clothes down to. 

It wasn't until today that I realized why this time it was harder.  I'm entering a new phase: Raising kids and not having kids.  I mean I've been raising the other 3 all this time but there was always the possibility of having more.  I'm like a super adult.  Next comes middle school and taking care of our parents and kids going off to college (hmm that last one isn't so bad).  So in the spirit of feeling wonderful and a little bit sad about this momentous occasion I would like to share with you why I'll be alright not having any more babies!

  1. Cankles and sausage toes.  I swear it just gets ridiculous.
  2. That look that you get when you are 8 months know the one...oh poor you, you must be miserable, are you having twins?
  3. Heartburn
  4. Throwing up for no reason at all.  Really Ellie and Regan was all that necessary???
  5. 7 million dr appts and waiting for all of them (with Jack it was sometimes 2x's a week)
  6. Not being able to find a comfortable position to sleep in and not being able to sleep on my stomach.
  7. The same question over and over, "When are you due?"
  8. Adding new members to my stretch mark club

After all that complaining I still wouldn't trade a second of it.  As Jack looks up at me with adoring eyes I can't help but wonder what kind of person he will be.  Will he be like the others and how? 

Growing babies is truly a labor of love but after all the newness is gone the real battle begins.  Molding them into happy, healthy, productive members of society is much harder than anything on that list above. 

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