
Saturday, August 28, 2010

30 Day Pilates Challenge: Day 3

Today I had a workout partner, Regan.  I have to admit her lunge was pretty impressive for an 18 month old.  It wasn't so much fun when she decided to fix my hair by pulling out my pony tail holder.  Jack has been marathon nursing lately so free time is valuable and rare.  Even making lunch was an event.  I admit I had a mini mom meltdown.  Ever have the feeling that you just can't get a thing done????  

I learned something about myself during todays workout.  When I take time for myself, and I'm feeling rather stressed, I start to think about all of the things I could be getting done in that amount of time like laundry or dishes.  It really defeats the purpose of time for myself!  No more doing that.  To hell with the laundry and dishes they will always be there!  The feeling I get from working out far surpasses that of getting the laundry done and trust me that is a great feeling!

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