
Monday, August 30, 2010

Pilates 30 Day Challenge: Day 4

Well Day 4 was yesterday and I am still trying to finish that one segment!  I was 7 minutes in when Jack woke up.  We are definitely on a nursing marathon.  I am trying to keep perspective.  I know that in the next month he will settle into more of a schedule and he will be less demanding, so to speak.

So I did another 5 or so minutes this morning (Day 5).  I hate feeling behind!!!  I only have about 10 minutes left to finish it up.  We have been nursing nearly all morning.  Thankfully he took a break so that I could make some Ellie says I am a "Coffee Woman."  She is certainly correct.

Cross your fingers that this handsome little guy and wild little girl nap at the same time (dreaming right now, obviously the coffee hasn't kicked in) so I can finish Day 4, complete Day 5 and take a shower!

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