
Friday, August 27, 2010

Pilates 30 Day Challenge: Day 2

Around 7pm I began to feel rather unsure about whether or not I would get a workout in today.  Jack is not on a schedule and still rather unpredictable.  So when he finally fell asleep at 9pm I was in go mode.  I quickly cleaned up the living room floor of all the pillows and blankets and the little toys that hadn't made their way home.  Normally I would be a little peeved that I was picking their toys up but not tonight.  I was on a mission. 

Yesterday I mentioned there are three sections to this dvd, upper body, lower body and flow and flexibility (i.e watch what I can do with my super long ballerina legs).  Tonight I did the lower body and flow and flexibility.  I have never completed 30 consecutive days of working out (since I've had kids) and there are a few obstacles coming up (rehearsal and wedding next weekend).  I feel like I'm on the brim of a better me and all I have to do is dive in and my life will change for the better.  This is the time where follow through, drive and willpower all come in to play.  I know I'm strong enough, I just have to believe it.

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