At this point you are either intrigued or you think I'm completely nuts. If you think I'm nuts, well maybe I am, but I'm $720 nuts. We don't have a traditional clothesline hung on metal poles from the ground and we don't have one of those square turning ones either. Ours is hung along the top of the posts of our back patio and connected to the house. I don't line dry everything all the time and I don't have crunchy clothes either, ick! I also don't spend hours more on laundry. I timed myself, it takes me 5 minutes to take a load off the line and hang a new one up. That's it, just 5 minutes.
How did we do it? Well honestly my husband did it after I asked him nicely. Look at the pictures and then show your phone to the guy at Lowe's :) and ask your husband nicely to put one up for you. It only cost us around $25. If he rolls his eyes or looks at you like you're crazy just tell him I saved $720. Money talks! You could also figure out what works best for you. Do you have two trees, or a tree and a fence, or a fence and something else? Not everyone has a covered patio but you could create one with just about any space. Ours is really sturdy and has a lot of tension which I think is key. I also like that it is shaded most of the time being around the patio, although the sun is great at removing stains so I have one side that is really sunny. If it starts to rain I'm not out taking clothes off the line in the rain. I think it took him about 30 minutes to get it up. He's pretty awesome.
I don't have crunchy stiff clothes for a couple of reasons. First, I don't let them get all the way dry outside. I bring them in when they are still a little damp and pop them in the dryer for about 10 minutes. 10 minutes versus an hour + per load is the money saver folks. Second, I make my own fabric softener which contains vinegar. There's some science behind it and vinegar is a natural fabric softener. I'll show you how to make your own later. It's cheap and it works. Third, I use wool dryer balls. I make my own, but you can buy them online. Etsy would be a good place to look. I'll show you how to make your own on another post. That's it. Just three things. If I goof and leave stuff out too long I wet two wash clothes and throw them in with the load in the dryer. They provide enough moisture to take out any crunchiness and wrinkles.
Now for the corny part to all this. I really like hanging my clothes up. Not just for the money and environment, but because on those days when things seem never ending I can spend 5 minutes outside in the fresh air. When Jack was really little I would take him out with me and put him in his bouncy seat or his wrap and it forced me outside and made the insanity of having a newborn and kid number four more bearable in the early days of sleeplessness. There is also something very 1950's house wife about it and to be honest I kind of like that part. It connects you to the earth and mother earth and nature in a spiritual/hippy way that I can really appreciate too. I really appreciate that $720, more than the hippy part!
He drilled this hook into the rock/ house. |
This contraption was so that he could get the tension correct/adjusted. |
Another look at the mechanism that holds it into the wall, and my cute lights. |
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