
Friday, April 8, 2011


I'd like to officially call myself a WAHM now (that stands for Work At Home Mom).  I've been working for with my husband for about a week now.  I hate sales.  I don't know how my husband does it.  He hates organizing and putting stuff into a database.  I don't mind it a bit.  He likes to go go go and I would rather (oh no I just had one of those "eeek I'm just like my mother moments") go at my own pace and work behind the scenes (as far as sales are concerned.)  It's like a honey-do list that makes us money and it makes staying home with the kids a no brainer.  I get to do the things that save us money, cloth diaper, nurse, use the clothesline, etc and make money at the same time.  I also really enjoy seeing how our brains collaborate.  We often joke that we share a brain, I think we really do.  It also helps with communication between us.  I get a hands on look as to how his brain works in a work situation and believe me his work brain wanders into his home brain a lot. 

The only downside is that I am kind of working nonstop.  I've given myself a few "work rules" and here they are.
  • the kids come first, always
  • no laundry on the bed, ever, I need to sleep there and I feel so much better when I sleep there instead of crashing on the couch
  • don't put things off that are related to my physical well being, the laundry can wait, work can wait, I NEED to go for a walk or workout everyday
  • work outside whenever possible (or blog outside like right now). I am 100 times more productive outside. 
  • keep meals simple and have a plan.  I am way less stressed when I know whats coming and what I'm making.  Tonight is spaghetti. 
  • its okay to take a break 
  • and last, I set small goals for each day related to everything I have to do.  Fold one load of laundry, set 3 tasks for Dale, read 2 books to the kids, wipe down one thing in each room of the house, unload the dishwasher, etc.  
So far it has made us both less stressed and more connected to one another.  Thankfully my husband has been a stay at home dad before and he knows how hard it is to stay home with the kids and by working with him I'm learning about what his job is like.  Hmm making more money and being less stressed...way better than any job I've ever had.  Oh and my coworkers are the best and cutest.
Sunday I'll be doing my Ten on Ten and if I don't get it posted Sunday, it will be out Monday for sure.  With all of this fantastic weather it should be a great set.  Have a great weekend!

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