
Monday, April 4, 2011

Food for Blog: Chicken Bruschetta Melts

So Dale was at Sam's and thought he was picking up a big jar of salsa...he grabbed a big jar of bruschetta.  Which didn't really work for the fajitas we had that night.  Rather than just let it sit in the fridge I have been putting it to good use.  This is divine and even my picky eater ate these.

  • Leftover french bread or fresh 
  • Butter
  • Garlic cheese or a mozzarella would be nice
  • Leftover chicken, I used the leftover fajita chicken (the kind in the big bag from Sam's)
  • Bruschetta
Heat your griddle up.  On one end place the chicken to warm it up.  Slice your french bread and butter both sides, place them on the griddle and brown one side.  While they are browning grate some cheese.  My favorite cheese is a garlic cheese that you can find in the specialty section of Reasor's but mozzarella and a dash of garlic powder would do the trick.  Once the first side is brown flip it over and add the cheese to the top, the cheese will melt while the other side browns.  Once the cheese is melted top with bruschetta and the grilled chicken.  So yummy.  I made these for lunch but they would be perfect as an appetizer to some fabulous meal.  Great way to use up leftover french bread as well.  Enjoy!

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