
Friday, July 13, 2012

Walking Dead Girl

I would love to tell you that my blog break was spent in some exotic location with an umbrella drink and a towel boy but that simply isn't the case.  I've been doing 3 things:  applying for jobs, having a Walking Dead marathon and cleaning up a ridiculous amount of kid messes.

Applying for jobs?  I've been a stay at home mom for 2 years and I've made the decision to go back to work.  It hasn't been an easy one.  I've wrestled with what I should do.  We make enough money to support ourselves.  Some months it's tighter but most of the time there is a little left over.  What we don't have is enough to pay off both of our student loans and put away for a house.  I want to buy a house within two years and I'm ready to do what it takes to get there.  So if you know of a great job in the Tulsa area let me know.  I have a Bachelor's degree I'd like to put to use.

I'm a tad obsessed with The Walking Dead.  I've managed to get Dale hooked as well with this marathon.  Ellie has begged and begged me to let her watch it, to which I've replied "you've lost your mind!" but I agreed to let her watch some of the extra stuff showing how they create the zombies make up and clothes.  She loved seeing how they created them.  I firmly believe she is going to be some sort of make-up artist/costume designer.  She loves scary, creepy things and she can't wait to be old enough to see all of the "spooky" stuff.  For now Gremlins (her favorite movie) and The Adams Family is going to have to suffice.  Ethan on the other hand was scared of Snow White (he still doesn't like it) and Ellie especially liked it because it scared him.  Dale bought me my first comic book, The Walking Dead issue 100 so that I can be an official nerd.  I have to admit that it was pretty cool (and as I typed that I shook my head at the intense nerdiness).

Ridiculous amount of kid messes.  Let me start by saying that my children are engineering genius's and have mastered or dismantled nearly every child lock at least once.  Jack broke not only the stove lock but the refrigerator as well.  The little two have also discovered that if they squeeze hard enough they can break the spinning door lock to the pantry.  Eggs, cucumbers, paint pens just a few of the things I have cleaned up.  Wednesday I swear it was one mess after another and Jack was making them faster than I could clean them up.  Thankfully my husband brought home new locks (and dinner) and we're back in business.

Hopefully I'll be back to some more normal posting next week.  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, we're scheduled to do nothing!!!

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