
Friday, April 6, 2012

Movie Night and a Birthday Confession

Monday night I took the oldest three kids to their schools movie night at a local cinema.  We saw "Mirror Mirror" for free!  Well free except for the drinks and popcorn but so worth it.  The kids had so much fun.  Regan stayed dry the entire time!!!!  I had bribed her into wearing a diaper with movie candy.  I don't think it would have taken a lot to coax her she was on a gymnastics high and getting ready to go to the movie theater.
No one spilled any drinks, popcorn or candy and they were good.  Ellie did all three at the last movie we went to.  Dale had a nice quiet evening at home with Jack and a Thunder game.

I really like these evil stepmothers.  They are being played by some fabulous women.  Maybe I'll be an evil stepmother for Halloween.  Mother Gothel maybe?

This weekend is Easter.  I'm going to be brutally honest here it is my least favorite holiday.  I really think its because one year my birthday happened to fall on the same day and my mom had an Easter themed birthday.  I do not share very well, when it comes to birthdays at least.  Really I didn't even want Ethan to be born on my birthday because I didn't want to share MY day, lol!  So since then I've never really gotten into it.  I'm going to try really hard this year to make it fun.  We are getting together with dear friends, so long as she doesn't have her baby!  Really excited about this little guy!

Its been an unusually long week and everyone seems to be a little run down in the Jones house, me included.  So here is hoping everyone has a great weekend and I'll hopefully have some fun Easter things to show you! And for your viewing pleasure, here is Jack...

What?  Is there something on my face?

1 comment:

  1. ha ha - that last caption is too funny :) you've got some cutie pies, there! very fun.


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