
Friday, June 10, 2011

Ten on Ten: June 2011

I missed last month and was totally bummed.  Here's my set for June.  Want more info and want to see other bloggers sets?  Visit A Little Bit of Sunshine  and check it out!
7am-  My coffee mate, Regan thinks its a picture of girl! 
8am- Jack and his yogurt and granola.  He is always happy with a spoon.

9am- Mom don't stop to take my picture it looks like rain, hurry up!
10am- Caught!
11am- Where is the mail?  Late.
12pm-  Books before nap?  Yes please!
1pm-  It looks so inviting and quiet during nap time...who's with me?
2pm- There isn't enough camo to hide the smell!  Boo for poo!
3pm-  Jack does his own thing.
4pm- Jack is still at it and not bothered a bit by the older kids noisy ways.

There you have it!  I hope you enjoyed my Ten on Ten and if you don't participate yet I hope you will join me next month.  It is so much fun!!


  1. Great photos! :) Thanks for stopping by my blog! If you're interested in the owlies you can stop by my page

  2. Cuties!! Looks like a good day. The Camo bum is great. :)

  3. Those overalls are adorable! I remember the days where I could put my kids in a stroller and cover some ground! I know I hated that thing then, but boy does it look handy now!

  4. oh, i love that last one! so cute! great set!

  5. OHHH I love a baby boy in bibs!! Sure miss those days!

    Thanks for stopping by and I love your set!

  6. Cute kiddos! Love the one of your little guy in the garden.

  7. Looks like a fun day. I love the photo of your son bending over in his overalls. So super cute.

  8. Love those camo buns! So cute!!
    What a fun day!

  9. Love the caught photo!! Great angle. And your little boy is those overalls is just about the cutest thing ever.

  10. Love the stroller angst at 9am :)
    And who can resist a baby in overalls? I can't!

  11. Thanks for your sweet made my day...especially since I'm not the best picture taker nor do I have a fancy shmancy camera! Your pictures are awesome! Too cute that your daughter thinks the pic of MM on the mug is you! :)

  12. Ooh, I love your outdoor dining arrangement! And how adorable that your daughter thinks the coffee cup picture is of you! Love it.

  13. Thanks for your comment. Your kids are adorable. Love the mug!


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