
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ten on Ten

So early this morning I was catching up on my blog reading and I discovered a bit of sunshine and her Ten on Ten photo project.  Here's the scoop, every month on the tenth bloggers from all over the world take a picture for ten hours straight.  10 pictures 10 hours.  So I did it.  Are you ready to see them?  I won't make you wait any longer.

The 8am hour.  I am really hoping this is not how the rest of the day will be.
The 9am hour.  I know Alex, I want out of here too!  It's noisy!

The 10am hour.  Mom where's my snack?
The 11am hour.  I'm gonna get it!
The 12pm hour.  Off to school!
The 1pm hour.  I love that the flowers have lasted so long.
The 2pm hour.  He always redeems himself with his charm.
The 3pm hour.  I was cleaning out the garage and found this fantastic 50's cookbook from my hometown of San Fran. I'm smitten with it. 
The 4pm hour.  She tried on my Kindergarten dress.  The only editing I did was cropping.  Thank you sun and yellow flower.
The 5pm hour.  He went a little higher than he usually does. 
The 6pm hour.  How could you not love pearls, a vintage frock and some barbie rain boots? She is perfection.

There you have it.  My ten on ten.  I think I have found a new addiction.  This was ever so much fun.  Oh and reading all of the other ones is addictive as well.  I hope you enjoy!  And please won't you join me next month.  I can't wait!


  1. She IS perfection. I would totally rock that outfit.

  2. great set, your kids are adorable! thanks so much for participating!!

  3. love the little head peaking over the table :)

  4. That last photo is the sweetest!

  5. thanks for stopping by my ten on ten and taking time to comment :) this was my first time too and it was really fun!

  6. oh cute!

    so many little ones, your hands are full (good full)! when people say "enjoy it it goes by fast" they are right.

  7. Thanks for stopping by! Sorry my comment almost woke the baby ;-)

  8. The pic with the yellow flower is AWESOME - great light!

  9. cute kiddos! and photos!

    the yellow rosette pillow on my bed is from target's dwellstudio line :) I quite like it - a very happy pillow ;)

  10. I want to go "shopping" in your garage! I'm smitten by your littlest one's adorable face!

  11. Great pictures, 8 am is my favorite. I just love when the day starts out with crying, definitely makes you cringe for the day ahead. Your kids are darling!

  12. What a great set!

    Your girly got style.

  13. Beautiful have a lovely family; tears and all!

  14. What sweet photos! Your children are beautiful!

  15. Great photos...your children are precious!

  16. for a first-timer you did great! thanks for commenting on my photos, too.

  17. Such sweet little faces! I love the shot with the yellow flower. The light is amazing.

  18. Loved your pictures!
    You have a beautiful family!

    I tryed to do my "10 on 10" project too. I´d like if you could stop by and tell me what do you think about it.

    See it at

    Mirys (from Brazil )

  19. what a precious set of pics. looks like it was going to be a day of tears, but then everything seemed to have brightened up a bit...You captured some really great moments...Thanks for stopping by...Have a wonderful week ahead.Mica/the child's paper

  20. Oh that early morning crying shot just gets me. What a fun reminder of your days this phase of life...

  21. Fun set. The doggie pic is adorable. :)


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