
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I'm a Sucker

For planning birthday parties that is.  March is the busiest time of the year for me with two birthdays to plan, not including my own.  Regan's is first and when I was thinking about what to do for her the first thing I thought of was a bear themed party.  I could have done Goldilocks and the Three Bears, but it wasn't really something we'd read to her.  Hmm and when I write that I kind of feel like I've dropped the ball as far as Goldilocks is concerned.  What we have read to her is one of my favorite books from my childhood, Betty Bear's Birthday by Gyo Fujikawa.  She is my most favorite childrens author.  Her work is sweet and beautiful.   So here is my theme and I can't wait to execute all of the ideas I have in my head.  I will attempt to bring this book to life for my sweet little girl.  Isn't Betty Bear adorable with her little red dress and flower hat?  This year I will show you all of my kids birthday parties so that hopefully you will be totally inspired in your own birthday planning ventures.  Tomorrow is going to be really fun...I can't wait!!!!

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