I found the Nintendo DS games that we had been looking for. They were in plain site. After hours of looking and having "they are your games you should actually look for them yourself" conversations. What do I win for finding them...I will have to think of some way to reward myself.
I vacuumed the dog and she actually let me do it. I'm hoping this will reduce the amount of hair that I have to vacuum off of the kitchen floor. Her favorite spot is under the dining room table, the tile is cold but the sun shines on her from the window. I hate dog hair.
I'm still trying to get my Christmas things put away. Still. I thought that I got it all packed up until I discovered that other box in the garage and the reindeer plate that had been put behind the coffee pot. Dang it. Ellie is not happy about putting it away, even after I told her there is a really cool box of valentine stuff out in the garage.
Note, now that I've got it all put away in boxes, its still sitting stacked up in my living room. I'm sure it will make it to the attic by the end of the month.
Ethan got Harry Potter Paperback Boxed Set (Books 1-4)
Jack pulled up to standing. Because he wants to terrify me. The kids all clapped and cheered for him. Ellie discerns words out of his babble. According to her, Jack has said about 50 words, lol.
I'm taking 4 kids to the dentist. Jack is along for the ride but the other 3 are sitting in the chair. Dale is meeting me there so that I don't completely lose my mind. It's Regan's first time. I'll let you know how it goes. Maybe I'll take the camera. There is sure to be an interesting moment or two or three.
Tomorrow will be an easy sewing DIY(its a good thing that squiggly you spelled that wrong line popped up or you would have had a seXing DIY and not a sewing one). Even the most novice gal with a sewing machine can make this one.
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