
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thankful Thursdays: Full

I am not always composed and cool.  I try to be patient.  Ellie told me the other day that I just needed to be patient, she would be ready soon, ahhh!  Sometimes we disagree, yes Ethan you have to read to aloud because it's beneficial to everyone.  Things aren't always fun.  Laundry for four kids is more than a chore.  But my little people are the best.  They love me unconditionally (they obviously aren't teenagers yet) and the feeling is mutual.  I am thankful for each one of them.  They are well behaved when it really counts, polite and helpful.  I could go on and on about how proud I am.  They are unique and special in their own ways and I like finding their differences as much as I like finding their similarities. 

Last year around this time the five of us were sitting at the table for dinner.  Dale and I joked that we still had an empty chair.  Little did we know we were a few weeks away from finding out we would be filling it.  This year our table is full.  Our hands are full.  And most importantly our hearts are full. 

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